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Transition Year 2020/2021 Dates
The dates for the four weeks of social outreach and work experience for next year are now confirmed. They are as follows: Social Outreach...
Malawi Clean Energy Stoves Appeal
This Lent, all five Irish Jesuit Secondary Schools are supporting the Irish Jesuit Missions Office's Lenten ' Malawi Clean Energy Stoves'...
TY Geography Trip to Iceland
Over mid-term, 41 Transition Year students and four teachers travelled to Iceland on a Geography trip. Thanks to Ms MacConville for...
Mock Exams
Mock exams begin on Monday 24 February. See Junior Cert timetable here and and Leaving Cert timetable here.
The CALL 2020
The CALL Gala Concert, which concluded CALL Week 2020, took place on Saturday 8th February. It featured music, drama, comedy and debate,...
Cuairt ó MhÃcheál Ó Muircheartaigh
MÃle buÃochas leis an gcoiste GaelbhrataÃ, a d'eagraigh criunniú spreagúil le MÃcheál Ó Muircheartaigh san amharclann inniu. Tugadh...
Congratulations to Cormac Donnelly, Cormac Hannon, Seán Radcliffe and Henry Li (5th year) who have all qualified for the National Final...
Rugby Update
Hard luck to both Juniors and Seniors in their recent hard-fought matches. Junior Cup first round Wednesday 5 February: St Mary's 21 ...
Classics Awards
Very well done to the following students who were presented with Classics Association of Ireland Medals at a ceremony in UCD last week:...
Senior Cup Round 2
The fixture details for the Bank of Ireland Leinster Schools Senior Cup second round have been confirmed: Gonzaga College v St Michael's...
Blackrock College MUN
Gonzaga Model United Nations delegates represented the school this weekend at ROCKMUN in Blackrock College. Well done to Rohan Devereux...
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