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The Soul Feed


'Helping Souls' was Ignatius’s practice of accompanying others on their journey with God. It was based on his experience of how God first taught and guided him. Ignatius shared his interior readiness and openness to God every day and more specifically at those stages of his journey in which he let go of his personal desires to follow the direction in which God was leading him. As a spiritual companion he helped others to recognise how God was leading them in a similar way. Following in the footsteps of St Ignatius this page offers resources that will nourish you mentally and spiritually and 'feed your soul'. 


To meet every visitor to this site where they are at on their individual spiritual journey, we have created three resource lists. Throughout this crisis we put particular emphasis on supporting you and your loved ones with help, advice and wisdom from around the world. 


'Rise and Shine' Reflections

Ms Clarke prepared this series of reflections of consciousness (Examen) called 'Rise and Shine'.


- Part 1: Gratitude Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 





- Part 2: Love of Self Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 






- Part 3: Hope Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 






- Part 4: Courage to Trust Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 






- Part 5: Looking Inwards Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 







- Part 6: Healing Reconciliation Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 






- Part 7: Shine Your Light Examen. Script. Audio Recording: 







Added 18.03.2021:

Deepak Chopra has a 21-day meditation series online for free called "Getting Unstuck". 



Added 27.01.2021:

9 Transformative Meditation Scripts For Overcoming Life’s Challenges


Loving-Kindness Meditation



Added 05.05.2020:

The Sanctuary have updated the links to their weekly meditations.


Added 21.04.2020:

Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there's a more fulfilling path? Happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life -- serving something beyond yourself and developing the best within you -- gives you something to hold onto. Learn more about the difference between being happy and having meaning as Smith offers four pillars of a meaningful life in this TED talk.


Added 12.04.2020:

We asked the members of the Gonzaga College community what they are feeling a sense of gratitude for during our time apart from each other. Watch our video below.

Many thanks to Ms O'Brien Quinn for putting the video together. 













1B  all wrote poems on the lockdown and the winning poem (in a democratic vote on Teams) is Charlie Kennedy's


Today we are supposed to get off on our Easter term.

However, the restricting corona rules still remain firm.


Although, this period may drive us insane, 

everyone must do their best to stay humane. 


Obviously this Easter is like nothing we’ve seen. 

Yet still the heroic frontline are desperately trying to find a vaccine. 


With the government closing all the schools, 

all we need to worry about 

are the simple, easy rules.




Added 30.03.2020:


-Every Sunday Pat Murphy offers 'Nutrition for the Soul' through his excellent blogspot. 

-This 'Covid-19 Giveback' lists a great range of services, from meditation to music, which are available for free throughout this crisis.


Added 26.03.2020:

For parents of younger children a selection of mindfulness activities: 

-'Sitting Still Like a Frog' activity book by Shamble Publications  

-'The Artful Parent: simple ways to fill your family life with art and creativity' by Shamble Publications  

-'Read along with Jason Gruhl! audio book by Shamble Publications   

-Ten Percent Happier: Podcast '231 Parenting in a Pandemic' by Susan Kaiser Greenland

'Helping Children to embrace big emotions' by  Wendy O'Leary 


Added 25.03.2020:

The Coping Calendar by Action for Happiness


Added 24.03.2020:

-One of the best mindfulness apps and supports out there, Headspace not only includes an array of meditations (and how to go about it), but also an excellent blog and in the times of Covid-19, additional free support. 

-An alternative app to help you build gratitude, overall happiness and reduce anxiety is Calm.   

-As a response to the isolation and disruption caused by the virus, The Sanctuary is offering free online meditation sessions via Zoom three times per week (Monday mornings 10:00-10:30; Wednesday evenings 19:30 to 20:00; Thursday afternoons 13:15 to 13:45). 

-Relaxation Techniques recommended by NEPS and NCGE 

-Calm the Chaos Journal (A Daily Practice for a More Peaceful Life)  

-Loving Kindness Meditation Script 

-Morning affirmations for children  

-Keep Calm and Stay Focused: Expert Tips for State Exam Students Students studying at Home  





Added 13.05.2020

St.Francis Xavier Church at Gardiner Street  has uploaded a series of inspiring visualisation meditations created by Callum Murphy of the Faber Companions. Check out their YouTube channel

Garden Visualisation 

Beach Visualisation 



Don't let this pandemic stop you from enjoying great worship! Every Sunday evening at 7:30pm St. Francis Church and the Gardiner Street Gospel Choir bring a unique mass online to you via Facebook and Zoom. For more please visit the choir's website.


Added 30.04.2020

From Monday, May 4th onwards 

A six week introduction to 'Mindfulness, Meditation and Contemplation'. Each 20 minute session will be made available on Mondays and Thursdays beginning Monday, May 4th 2020.   


Added 21.04.2020

The project is a ministries of consolation-catalogue, which invites you to explore local online initiatives for the time of the global health crisis.


Added 03.04.2020

- 'A reflection for students in times of uncertainty' by Desmond Gibney of Belvedere College SJ


Added 01.04.2020

'Pray as you Go' offers special daily prayers throughout this crisis, called 'Pray as You Stay'.


Added 26.03.2020

-The Jesuit Blog 'In All Things

-Sacred Heard Messenger online (April 2020)  


Added 24.03.2020:

-The Jesuit Examen for Students, a daily (or weekly) practice of gratitude and discernment  

-A great app to support your Examen practice is Reimagining the Examen.   See here also.   

-Six simple steps on praying the Examen daily   

-Guiding others in the Examen  

-Ignatian ‘PRAY AS YOU GO’ app and site to feed your soul daily through the Ignatian way.  

-Three-Minute-Retreats: short and insightful reflection and prayer published daily online by the Loyola Press   

-Ignatian Contemplation (Praying with the Bible) by Fr. James Martin SJ 

-Ignatian Meditation: Praying with the Bible 

-Ten Ignatian Tips for Coping with Coronavirus: A spirituality for strange times by Brendan McManus SJ  

-An encouraging letter by Joellyn Cicciarell, President and Editor of the Loyola Press, for times of crisis and need.    

-Contemplation in Quarantine by Ryan Birjoo SJ   



Inspiring articles of Ignatian origin: 

Added 08.05.2020:

Resurrection in dark times​ by Brendan McManus SJ 


Added 30.03.2020:

-'Spanish flu and the Christian response to need' by Kevin Hargaden 

-'Learn from the poor and vulnerable in the time of coronavirus crisis' by Hoffman Ospino (Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College) 


Added 26.03.2020:

-'Ignatian Wisdom for covid-19' by Nikolaas Sintobin SJ 

-'The weakened immunity of an individualistic society' by Kevin Hargarden 


Added 25.03.2020:

-Facing Death and Finding Hope in the Light of Covid-19 

-Don't take life so seriously: Montaigne's lessons on the inner life


Added 24.03.2020:  




​Added 24.02.2021:

Donnybrook Parish Lent Initiatives

Donnybrook Parish have a number of initiatives for Lent including Evening Prayer at 5pm on Wednesdays  - see here - and weekly talks on Thursday evenings from Fr Kieran O’Mahony who is a biblical scholar which can also be accessed through their webcam. 


​Added 27.01.2021:

Catholic Schools Week 2021 

This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2021 with the theme of Communities of Faith, Learning, Love, Resilience and Hope. Every day during R.E. students work with one aspect of this theme through meditation, reflection or prayer. For resources see here

​Added 27.05.2020:

Ecumenical Bible Week 2020 

Ecumenical Bible Week is an exciting and successful venture which is now in its seventh year - May 31st to June 7th 2020. It includes parish-based events around Dublin and surrounding areas. For 2020, our topic will be “Faith In The Public Square: Past Histories…. Current Realities"

What is the effect of the C19 crisis on faith communities? This question will be part of the Ecumenical Bible Week 2020. In response to the current health crisis, we have postponed parish events and instead we are offering two periods of Ecumenical Prayer and one online discussion of the effect of coronavirus on the lives and worship of believers. See website here.

Added 26.05.2020:

Pope Francis appeals for 'Laudato Sí Year' and releases special prayer

On Sunday 24 May 2020, the fifth anniversary of the publication of  the papal encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, Pope Francis urges everyone to take part in the just opened Laudato Sí Year. He released the following special prayer, which he invites us to pray often. 


Loving God,
Creator of Heaven, Earth, and all therein contained.
Open our minds and touch our hearts,
so that we can be part of Creation, your gift.

Be present to those in need in these difficult times,
especially the poorest and most vulnerable.
Help us to show creative solidarity
as we confront the consequences of the global pandemic.
Make us courageous in embracing
the changes required to seek the common good.
Now more than ever, may we all feel interconnected and interdependent.

Enable us to succeed in listening and responding
to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.
May their current sufferings become the birth-pangs
of a more fraternal and sustainable world.

We pray through Christ our Lord,
under the loving gaze of Mary Help of Christians,



Find out more here.


Pentecost Global Prayer Vigil. Saturday 30 May at 7pm

COVID-19 has affected the entire human community. What better response than to pray together, "Come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth!" We therefore encourage you to join a half-hour online Pentecost prayer vigil on Saturday, May 30. It will bring together the Ignatian family and our Jesuit and Ignatian networks throughout the world in more than 100 countries. Please join these brothers and sisters of yours, in spirit and in prayer, at this unique moment in human history.  


The details:

·  The half-hour prayer vigil will take place at three separate times to accommodate the global Ignatian family across time zones. Join us at either 8:00 PM (Asia Pacific, Manila time), 8:00 PM (EMEA, i.e. 7:00PM in Ireland), or 8:00 PM (the Americas, New York/Santiago Time).

·  Find more information here.

·  Come to the vigil with an open heart, your prayer intentions, and a candle that you will light.

·  Between now and May 30: Pray daily for God's Holy Spirit to come powerfully among us. Invite your friends and networks to join the vigil. Share your own prayers in advance on social media with #IgnatianPentecost and #TogetherAMDG


Added 08.05.2020:

Together in Hope on YouTube - An Interfaith Encounter in Response to COVID-19


Added 21.04.2020:

LIGHT MY PATH is an 8-week series combining the original NUA Film Series with exclusive devotionals by the Scripture Union Team.


Added 01.04.2020:

-Donnybrook parish have started broadcasting Mass at 11am each Sunday through the parish website. All are very much invited to join!


Added 30.03.2020:

Catholic Women Preach is an innovative project designed to address some of the most pressing challenges facing the Church today by responding to Pope Francis’ call for broader and more active engagement of the baptized in the preaching mission of the Church. Every Sunday and on Days of Holy Obligation Women Theologists share their insights of the day's scripture readings.


Added 26.03.2020:

The Sacred Space your daily prayer online 


Added 25.03.2020:

-Pray for the World (PFTW): an invitation by Pope Francis to pray for an end of the pandemic.

-Vatican Publishes Guidelines for Easter Celebrations during Coronavirus 

-The Mass is still with us even under quarantine 


Added 24.03.2020

-Prayers for Home when gathering for Mass is not possible (by the Diocese of Elphin) 

-Out of disaster and despair good can emerge by Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy   --

-What is Contemplative Prayer and Why is it so Needed? By Fr Richard Rohr  

-Fr. Richard Rohr and the Centre of Action and Contemplation offer inspiring daily reflections, called ‘Daily Meditations’. To support you and your families in times of crisis Fr. Richard shares his wisdom through the Crisis Contemplations.   







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What's Your Story? A Day in My Life: Living Under the COVID-19 Pandemic 

EducateMagis invites students from all Jesuit schools around the world to share their stories with each other as we live through these uncertain times.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” (1John 4:18)


In approx. 200 words (3-4 paragraphs), describe what your typical day has been like since the outbreak of COVID-19. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What is happening with the coronavirus crisis in your country?

  • How have these changes impacted your daily routines?

  • What have been the challenges from this situation (desolations)?

  • What have been the gifts and graces from this situation (consolations)?

  • How has that made you feel about the world we live in and the future that lies ahead?

  • What should our society should learn from this crisis that has affected us globally?

  • What are your concerns and hopes?

At the end of your essay, please write your first name only, your age, your school, and what country you live in. Submit your story to Ms Clarke and it will be shared with our global community of teachers and youth all over the world. Sow your seed of God’s love through your story. For more, please see here

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Poem by Kitty O'Meara

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