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Recent Music Achievements

The Interschools Music Festival 2022 took place in Wesley College on 4 and 5 March. Gonzaga entered four groups into the competition. The Choir came first in the Boys’ 3 and 4 Part Choir competition, winning the Frank Hughes Cup; the Chamber Group took First Class Honours in the Chamber Music O15 competition, and the Trad Group came third in the Traditional Bands O15 competition. The Orchestra also took part and played brilliantly, but were unlucky this year. Congratulations to Ms O’Brien and to all the students who worked so hard to prepare for this competition. They have all been presented with music ties in recognition of their achievements.

In other music news, Nicholas O’Neill in 6D won the Junior Vocal Recital at the Feis Ceoil 2022 this week. Comhghairdeas!

Thanks to Mr Earley for the photos.



    Contact Info

    Tel: (01) 497 2931

    Fax: (01) 496 7769



    Gonzaga College SJ

    Sandford Road


    Dublin D06 KF95


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