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McDonagh Accepted Into Genesis Sixteen

The Sixteen is "one of the world’s most renowned choral ensembles". Donncha McDonagh (2019) was recently accepted into Genesis Sixteen, The Sixteen’s young artists’ programme which aims to nurture the next generation of talented ensemble singers.

This is a major achievement for Donncha, who wrote the following about his musical career to date:

"I’m five years out now, and when I think back to my time at Gonzaga it’s the music that has really stuck with me.

From the humble beginnings of First Year Choir, I rode the wave to Senior Choir, Schola Cantorum and Chamber Choir. Thanks to the truly tireless work of Rosemary O’Brien and Aoife Dunne, I thrived. I learned how powerful music can be in bringing people together, and that’s what life is all about.

"Today, after a Classics degree I’ve finally come back to music. I’ve been conducting TCD Chapel Choir for two years now, and I’m studying singing at the RIAM. I was recently accepted to the Genesis Sixteen young singers programme. I really never thought I’d get this far - it’s honestly a dream come true!

"I’m hopeful I can look forward to a long career in the gig economy. There’s always marrying rich!"


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