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Climate Action Week

Thanks to everyone who took part in the recent Green Schools Climate Action Week 2019.

Thank you to Eamon Ryan TD for an inspiring talk in the school Chapel on Tuesday 15 October.

On Friday, 18 October, we organised a Swap Shop, with the aim of encouraging re-use and reducing the amount of plastic and other materials we use. Boys brought in items such as books, games, and clothes and received tokens which they then used to ‘buy’ other items. Thanks to everyone who organised and volunteered at the event, and to everyone who brought in items to swap.

Other activities during the week included a group of 2nd year students planting bulbs in the courtyard outside the library, and TY students gaving presentations about climate change to all 1st year classes. We also distributed reflective schoolbag stickers from the Road Safety Authority to all 1st years to help them be visible while walking and cycling, and took delivery of bike parking for 20 more bikes from Dublin City Council.

We are also happy to announce the results of our Green Code competition. The winning English-language entry is 'Energy misused cannot be re-used' by David Egan in 1st year. Seán Radcliffe in 2nd year wins the Irish-language competition for 'Sábháil inniu, mair amárach'.

Recently a group of students represented the school at the Global Strike for Climate Action on 20 September. You can read more about this event here.

If you would like to get involved in Green Schools please talk to Ms McNamara in the Library.

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