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Apple Juice Project Wins Award

Well done to the TY Walled Garden Apple Juice team who received the Kids For Wish Kids award for ‘Highest Funds Raised’ for their organic and eco-friendly apple juice mini company, raising an incredible €2,325 in total. All apples were grown in the orchard on the school grounds, before being hand-picked, pressed and bottled.

Mark Earley, TY Coordinator was delighted with the award. "This year is the first time we have entered into the Kids for Wish Kids Schools Entrepreneurship Awards and the TY students involved learned a huge amount about fundraising and being an entrepreneur. They enjoyed working together for a charity that they are now passionate about, and were delighted for their hard work to be recognised at the end of the project. We'll definitely be involved again in the years to come. It was one of the highlights of TY for all those who were a part of it"

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