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Parents' Council

​The Parents' Council is made up of two representatives for each year from 1st year to 6th year, plus the two parent representatives on the Board of Management of the School.  Elections to the Council happen every year at the AGM of the Parents' Association in September.


Parents' Council Representatives 2023-24


First Year

Mona Nolan

Natalia Sutherland


Second Year

Cliona Hillery

Stephen Kilroy (Chair)


Third Year

Fiona Barry

Andy Keogh


Fourth Year

Frank Carr

Grainne Dollard


Fifth Year

Daragh Greenan

Susan O'Connell


Sixth Year

Caroline Vaughan

Sheena Curneen


Board of Management
Dubhfeasa Kennedy
Tom Murphy




Contact: To assist with communication we encourage parents to communicate with the Council via this dedicated link:  All communication is reviewed by the Council at each meeting.​


Objectives: The objectives of the Parents' Association, and therefore the objectives of the Council, as outlined in the Constitution of the Parents Association are:

  • To become aware of and embody the ethos of the College and its Ignatian influence so that all can advance in a spirit of co-operation and mutual support to the benefit of parents, College and pupils.

  • To support and initiate activities which advance the academic, physical, social and spiritual development of all pupils in accordance with the Mission Statement and overall objectives of Gonzaga College as approved by the Board of Management.

  • To provide opportunity for discussion, information and consultation about matters of common interest to parents, teachers and pupils of Gonzaga College.

  • To submit, as it deems fit, for consideration by the Board from time to time matters arising from such discussion, information and consultation.

  • To consider matters of educational interest; provided always that no reference shall be made whether by name or otherwise to any specific student, parent, guardian, member of staff or member of the Board.


Events: Each year the Council endeavours to host parents’ evenings to cover a range of diverse topics that are of interest to the parent group and relevant to the support of our sons.  These are advised via email, Compass updates and on this web page.


Events 2022 – 23

9 May: Stuart Wilson from Zestlife Therapeutic Services gave a very engaging talk on adolescents psychology and parenting adolescents.   Stuart’s slides can be found here.

17 April: Professors Frank Murray and Bobby Smyth were joined by Gardai from Donnybrook and the Drugs Squad, and they presented an excellent talk on the impact of alcohol and substance use on adolescents.  Slides are available here.

19January : Mark Smyth, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, gave a talk on “Wise minds: how we manage anxiety & perform better when we move towards it”.   Mark provided some useful links for parents


Wandering Mind of a Psychologist blog

Anxiety in Children Podcast 

Anxiety 12-18 year olds 

Back to School Anxiety Webinar 

Back to school anxiety interview 

We're going on an anxiety hunt 

Anxiety explained by GIFS 

Anxiety - tips and self-help -



Events 2021-22

17 February 2022 – Niamh Fitzpatrick ( spoke about “Minding your Mental Health”


Events 2020 - 21

Wednesday 17 January – Peter Cosgrove ( spoke about the “Future of Work”.

Wednesday 10 February – Tony O’Reilly ( ) spoke about “Gambling”.

Wednesday 10 March – Jack Kavanagh ( ) spoke about “Resilience”.


Events 2019 -20

Tuesday 10 December – Brian Howard spoke about the CAO application process.


Events 2018-19

Monday 25 February - Brian Mooney spoke about Demystifying Third Level Progression for Parents.

Tuesday 20 November - Colman Noctor spoke about The Impact of Technology on Mental Wellbeing. See the slides from the talk here.

​Tuesday 25 September - Prof. Frank Murray, Consultant Gastroenterologist, spoke about the physical effects of alcohol and Dr Bobby Smyth, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, spoke about the effects of alcohol on the mental health of young people.


Events 2017-18

​Thursday 26 April - The talk entitled 'Forming Men and Women for Others' consisted of three short presentations: a global perspective by Dr Krizan Vekic, Justice Education Co-ordinator for the Jesuit Education Desk; Siobhán McNamara our Librarian then presented on her Uganda experience; and Robert Quinlan on the Habitat for Humanity Zambia experience.

Tuesday 6 February - Enda O'Doherty spoke about "The Best Your Child Can Be - strategies, advice and information on how to maximise your child's potential and study skills”.

Thursday 16 November- "Anxious Screenager" Dr Harry Barry spoke on the management of anxiety and depression in young people.

Events 2016-17

Thursday 27 April - Fr. Leonard Moloney SJ, Provincial of the Irish Jesuit Province spoke about "Finding God in all Things".

Thursday 2 February - Roger Grennan spoke about Rockstar? Pilot? Accountant? ... having great career conversations with young people. See the slides from Mr Grennan's talk here.

Tuesday 22 November - Rebecca Murphy, Education and Training Co-ordinator with JIGSAW (formerly Headstrong), National Centre for Youth Mental Health, spoke about “Supporting our young people’s mental health”. The slides accompanying Ms Murphy's talk can be accessed here.


Events 2015-16

Tuesday 24 March - Sarah O' Connor and Isolde Johnson (The Cool Bean Company), Ben Teeling (Allogen Biotech), Mike Maloney (Payzone) spoke about ‘Entrepreneurship- 'Anything is possible'. Ian Hyland chaired the talk. 


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